[email protected]

24/7 Emergency Hotline +961 71 845 967

It is our company policy that accident prevention be a prime concern of all employees. This includes the safety and well being of our employees, subcontractors, and customers, as well as the prevention of wasteful, inefficient operations, and damage to property and equipment.

This Safety Policy applies to all employees of Navy Group, regardless of position within the company. Following Safety Rules apply to all subcontractors and anyone who is on a company project site.


All accidents and injuries can be prevented...


- Management and supervisors are responsible and will be accountable, for preventing injuries and occupational illnesses.

- Occupational safety and health is part of every employee's total job performance.

- Working safely is a condition of employment.

- All workplace hazards can be safeguarded.

- Training employees to work safely is essential and is the responsibility of management.

- Prevention of personal injuries and accidents is good business.
